This blog is for ongoing dialogue between those of us who have survived divorced and have started the journey of finding out who they are and what they want out of their new lives. It's for support, ideas, and motivation to live a full life.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Old Shoes

Pictured L-R - Jane, Weez, me, Liz

This picture was taken at a baby shower for my friend Jane. She lives in New York and just got married last summer. We joke that she's the smartest person we know because she waited so long to get married. She travelled, dated a lot of guys, and totally knew who she was when she got married.

I've known Jane since Kindergarten, Weez since 10th grade and Liz since 6th grade. These are my oldest 'old shoes'. I don't get to see Jane very often, but when we all get together, it's like time is erased and we're young again, each working hard to be the funniest and get the biggest laugh.

Weez, Liz, another friend Jill and I try to get together pretty frequently, but are always amazed at how difficult it is to get all of our schedules to work out so that we can see each other. We have 8 kids all together with lots of activities. I am the only divorced one out of this group and they have all been amazingly supportive to me from the beginning.

They always seem to know when I need them to shut up and just listen, and when I need them to make me laugh so hard I easily pee on myself. Nothing can break the bonds of old shoes. We've all been through ups and downs in our marriages and we all know there is no "perfect". We take trips and get away together as much as possible. We are our own little Ya-Ya group. I can say with all certainty that they have individually played a huge part in my journey after my divorce.

To your old shoes and your new life...

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