This blog is for ongoing dialogue between those of us who have survived divorced and have started the journey of finding out who they are and what they want out of their new lives. It's for support, ideas, and motivation to live a full life.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Giggle More

Happiness is like a butterfly:
the more you chase it,
the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention
to other things,
it will come and sit softly on your shoulder... - Thoreau

Last week was crazy with the holiday, so I took a hiatus. I'm back.

Going through the crisis and chaos of divorce, one big thing that seems to be missing is laughter. There's just not that much to laugh about. I'm not talking about courteous chuckles, I'm talking hold yourself because you're going to pee, gut hurting, can't breathe, giggles.

I was tucking my son in a couple of days ago and was listening as he was saying his prayers. I think he farted, passed gas, tooted, whatever you want to call it, but it was loud, and I just started cracking up. Then he started in, and before we knew it, we were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Then, every time we would try to get serious again, we would just start laughing again.

I miss that side of my life, and have worked really hard at finding laughter again. Most of the time, it's over something stupid, but just finding that humor in every day things when you're knee deep in crap isn't all that easy.

I think that's one of my favorite things that I have learned from my kids. They are masters at finding the funny and both have a great sense of humor. I'm working on stopping what I'm doing, paying attention, and joining them. Life just doesn't have to be that serious.

To your new life...


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